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Demo Project (NUnit Setup)

1.Create a new project in console application.

2.Write the production code in a separate class file.I have written a regular calculator that can do addition, substraction, multiplication, division operation.

3.Add a new class library for test purpose.

4.Add a  reference to our production code from our test project.

5.Install NUnit3Test Adapter
Tools->Extensions and Updates->Online->NUnit3 Test Adpter

6.Install NUnit
Reference->Manage Nuget Packages->Online->Nunit

Now we can use NUnit’s attributes and NUnit asserts.

7.Under class library file write the test code using NUnit attributes.


    public class RegularCalcultorTests


        RegularCalculator calculator;


        public void BeforeEachTest()


            calculator = new RegularCalculator();



        public void TestAddition()


           var result=calculator.Addition(10, 20);

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(30));



        public void TestSubtraction()


            calculator = new RegularCalculator();

            var result = calculator.Subtraction(50, 20);

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(30));



        public void TestMultiplication()


            calculator = new RegularCalculator();

            var result = calculator.Multiplication(10, 20);

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(200));



        public void TestDivision()


           calculator = new RegularCalculator();

            var result = calculator.Division(40, 20);

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(2));



        public void AfterEachTest()


            calculator = null;


8.After build the code we can see the tests in test explorer and can run from it.


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